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Sex Ed for Parents of Teens
Welcome to the Mini Summit!
Day 1: Defining Our Values and Creating Boundaries with Our Teens with Amy Lang
((INTERVIEW)) Day 1: Defining Our Values and Creating Boundaries with Our Teens with Amy Lang
About Amy
Day 2: What it Means to be Sex Positive as we Navigate Conversations About Consent and Contraception with Melissa Pintor Carnagey
((INTERVIEW)) Day 2: What it Means to be Sex Positive as we Navigate Conversations About Consent and Contraception with Melissa Pintor Carnagey
About Melissa
Day 3: Helping Our Teens Develop Healthy Boundaries and Relationships with Vanessa Osage
((INTERVIEW)) Day 3: Helping Our Teens Develop Healthy Boundaries and Relationships with Vanessa Osage
About Vanessa
Day 4: Porn, Sexting and Dating in the Digital World with Jo Langford
((INTERVIEW)) Day 4: Porn, Sexting and Dating in the Digital World with Jo Langford
About Jo
Day 5: Understanding and Supporting LGBTQIQAP Youth with Dr. Abigail Weissman
((INTERVIEW)) Day 5: Understanding and Supporting LGBTQIQAP Youth with Dr. Abigail Weissman
About Abi
About Jo
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